Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Photo Sharing or Things #8-9

Pretty cool aid for storing your photos. However, while trying to use the Flickr search I encountered several obstacles such as the search yield 138 million results for Carnegie libraries in Louisville and at one point my computer was frozen for 20 minutes. After letting my computer have a rest I returned and searched for state parks in Kentucky. I was treated to many lovely pictures of our state treasures. I did even manage to find the Carnegie libraries in Louisville. I'm not sure that I would ever use this as a reference tool but it is a great way to view pictures. Most of the questions I receive about photo sharing is, "Can I plug my camera into the computer and download my pictures?" or "Do you have a scanner so I can scan my pictures for Facebook?".

Week 3 or Things #5-7

Having never used either Twitter or Facebook I was interested in seeing what all the buzz was about. I can see where some people would really love them. For me, I have other things I need or want to do than spending more time at my computer. I can see where Facebook and Twitter could be useful for businesses, as they would be able to reach more people over a broader area. I can see where using Facebook would enable people to connect with people or family they have lost touch with.